
Grassroots advocacy is pivotal in building and maintaining the kind of power that can ensure the survival and success of health centers and the access to quality health care that all Georgians need. Advocacy is one of GPCA’s core functions.

To prioritize the health center agenda for policymakers, we must build powerful relationships and empower community health center (CHC) staff, patients, primary care association staff, and community stakeholders to advocate and show passion by connecting our day-to-day experiences. We are also committed to building a culture of advocacy at health centers and project a single powerful voice – “The Wheel that Squeaks gets the Grease.” We have to be the squeakiest wheel. Only by having a lot of us show up and make noise at the grassroots level can we have the power to get our elected officials’ attention.

To succeed in any political environment, we must commit to act.

Health Center Advocacy Network

Visit and sign up to be a Health Center Advocate to get tools and information about advocacy in Georgia.

If you have a question about advocacy, please complete this form. We will be in touch shortly.

    GPCA ACE Awards Flyer

    The purpose of the Georgia ACE Program is to recognize Georgia Health Centers that build effective grassroots advocacy presences in their service areas. We have created the criteria to compliment the NACHC ACE Program.

    There are three ACE status levels: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The achieved level will be valid for two calendar years, with the qualifying activities beginning January 1, 2023, and renewal is biennial. After you have submitted your application and it has been reviewed, you will receive an email with your ACE Status level achieved. The monetary award will be mailed to you. In addition, if you feel before the renewal date, you have completed additional activities for a higher level; you can resubmit. If you achieve the new level, you will be awarded the monetary difference between the first level achieved and the new level. The  flyer lists the qualifying activities and can be used as a guide to prepare for submitting your application.

    Gold: $1,000 | Silver: $750 | Bronze: $500

    We hope you use the monetary award to enhance your advocacy efforts, have a staff appreciation event to reward their efforts, etc.


    Celebrate National Health Center Week

    Team of clinical specialists talking to patient at hospital reception

    Vot-ER – a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to integrate civic engagement into healthcare.

    Make civic engagement a part of your health center advocacy. More information, visit
