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GPCA Residency Job Fair

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Did you know that Federally Qualified Health Centers offer guaranteed loan repayment options to medical residents and graduating students?

GPCA will be hosting a Residency Job Fair, Saturday, April 29, from 9 am – 12 pm EST at the Hotel at Avalon in Alpharetta, GA. We expect over 25 exhibitors representing Georgia Health Centers to be ready to interact with your medical residents. This job fair is completely free of charge to medical residents and graduate students.

Our Health Centers offer loan repayment options, elective sites, flexible hours, competitive benefits and retirement packages, continuing medical education, malpractice insurance, flexible work hours, telehealth, moonlighting opportunities, and more!

The first 50 residents to register will receive a $100 gift card! All participating residents and graduating students will receive a gift bag for their attendance. Registration includes breakfast.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for residents and graduating students! Registration is now open. Contact Joshua Avent at javent@gaphc.org for questions about the job fair.

This event is FREE to all medical school staff, residents, and students!


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